This page lists publications written or edited by us. Press articles on our work, written by critics, can be found here
By AY Architects
‘Serial objects: tiles conceived for Torriano Primary School and GRC cladding at Camden School for Girls’, Architecture Today: Specification Today, April 2020, p 40
‘Eleanor Palmer Science lab’, The Architects’ Journal Specification, June 2019, pp 38-49
‘Grand Designs: Environment has a Major Effect on Well-being…’, Nursery Management, Spring 2018, pp 29-30
‘Montepelier Community Nursery’, Letter from London: Greek Students and Architects in the United Kingdom 1955-2015, Eds. EK and Helenic Institute of Architecture, 2017, pp 102-103
‘175 Years of architectural Education at UCL: The Bartlett School of Architecture’, Architectural Review, 2015, p 93
House of Flags, TOP Space & Art IV, Shenzhen: Art Power International Publishing, pp 166-171
Montpelier Community Nursery, Bartlett Design Research Folios, The Bartlett, UCL, 2013
House of Flags, Bartlett Design Research Folios, The Bartlett, UCL, 2013
‘Place: Light First – Night Sky’, The Architect’s Journal, 27 June 2014, pp 56–57
‘Activating a Political Landsape: House of Flags’, P.E.A.R. Paper for Emerging Architectural Research, 2013, pp 68-73
‘Montpelier Community Nursery’, Phaidon Atlas
‘Montpelier Community Nursery / AY Architects’, Arch Daily, 24/11/2013
‘AY Architects: Montpelier Community Nursery’, Domus, 25/06/2013
‘AY Architects: House of Flags’, Domus, 19/11/2012
‘Folio: Vexilology at Parliament Square in London’, Architectural Review, 28/08/2012, p 106
By Yeoryia Manolopoulou
Architectures of Chance, Design Research in Architecture Series, London: Routledge, 2013
Bartlett Design Research Folios
A contribution to Christos Kakalis’ chapter ‘Silence, Music and Architectural Design’ in Architecture and Silence; London: Routledge, 2019
‘City Boardwalks: The Chance of Stalled Construction Sites’, Conscious Cities: Bridging, Neuroscience, Architecture and Technology, Anthology No 2, 2017
‘Venice Viewpoints: Losing Myself’, Architecture Today, Vol 268, May 2016, p 10
‘Student Shows 2015: Royal College of Art’, The Architects’ Journal, 24/07/2015
‘Be Childlike! The Architect’s Ongoing Project of Experimental Pragmatism’, EAAE-ENHSA Meeting of Heads of European Schools of Architecture 2014, keynote paper, forthcoming
‘Jane’, Architects’ Journal, 23/01/2015, pp 37-59
‘Schools’, The Architects’ Journal, 20/06/2014, p 58
‘The Practice of Chance’, OASE 85: Productive Uncertainty,NAi Publishers, 2011, pp 44–56
‘Landscape’, in Laura Allen, Iain Borden, Nadia O’Hare and Neil Spiller (eds), with Laura Allen, Bartlett Designs: Speculating with Architecture, (London: UCL and Wiley, 2009), pp 124–125
‘Drawing On Chance’, in Laura Allen, Iain Borden, Nadia O’Hare and Neil Spiller (eds), Bartlett Designs: Speculating with Architecture, (London: UCL and Wiley, 2009), pp 59–60
‘Drawing on Chance: Drafting Pier 40’, The Unthinkable Doctorate (Brussels: NeTHCA and School of Architecture Sint-Lucas, 2007), pp 265–275
‘Shutters, House F’, in Peg Rawes, Jane Rendell (eds), Spatial Imagination (London: Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, 2006), pp 24–25
‘Drawing on Chance: Indeterminacy, Perception, and Design’, in Iain Borden and Katerina Rüedi Ray (eds), The Dissertation: AArchitecture Student’s Handbook Second Edition (London: Architectural Press, 2006), pp 254–277
‘The Apparatus of Space’ (interview), Fresh (issue 27, 2003), pp 16–19
PhD Research Projects 2011, London: UCL, 2011 (with Jonathan Hill and Willem de Bruijn)
PhD Research Projects 2010, London: UCL, 2010 (with Ana Araujo, Jonathan Hill and Barbara Penner)
PhD Research Projects 2009, London: UCL, 2009 (with Marjan Colletti and Marcos Cruz)
PhD Research Projects 2009, London: UCL, 2009 (with Jonathan Hill)
By Tessera
‘Tessera’, in Laura Allen, Iain Borden, Peter Cook, Rachel Stevenson (eds), Bartlett Works: Architecture, Buildings, Projects (London: UCL, 2004), pp 182–83
‘Moving Pictures’ in Anthony Hoete (ed.), ROAM: Reader on the Aesthetics of Mobility (London: Black Dog Publishing, 2003), pp 44–53
‘Drawing FIX’ in Memos Philippidis (ed.), Big Brother: Architecture and Surveillance (Athens: National Museum of Contemporary Art, 2002), pp 86–93
‘Absence + Trace’, in cj Lim (ed.), Realms of Impossibility: Ground (London: Wiley Academy, 2002), pp 170–75
‘Two Squares’ in Hellenic Institute of Architecture (ed.), Places of Nomadic Dwelling: Third Biennale of Young Greek Architects (Athens: Hellenic Institute of Architecture, 2001), pp 96–97, 184–187, 192–195
‘Syntagma Square’ in Union of Archaeological Sites (ed.), Architectural Competition for the Four Squares of Athens (Athens: Union of Archaeological Sites, 2001), pp 81–82