
This page lists publications written or edited by us. Press articles on our work, written by critics, can be found here.

By AY Architects

‘Serial objects: tiles conceived for Torriano Primary School and GRC cladding at Camden School for Girls’, Architecture TodaySpecification Today, April 2020, p 40

‘A Hundred Words in a Garden Shed: On Creating Environments that Elicit the Excitement of Learning’ in Design for Kids, ROCA Gallery, December 2019

‘Eleanor Palmer Science lab’, The Architects’ Journal Specification, June 2019, pp 38-49

‘Grand Designs: Environment has a Major Effect on Well-being…’, Nursery Management, Spring 2018, pp 29-30

‘Montepelier Community Nursery’, Letter from London: Greek Students and Architects in the United Kingdom 1955-2015, Eds. EK and Helenic Institute of Architecture, 2017, pp 102-103

New Architects 3: Britain’s Best Emerging Practices, The Architecture Foundation, Merrell Publishing, 2016

‘175 Years of architectural Education at UCL: The Bartlett School of Architecture’, Architectural Review, 2015, p 93

House of Flags, TOP Space & Art IV, Shenzhen: Art Power International Publishing, pp 166-171

Montpelier Community Nursery, Bartlett Design Research Folios, The Bartlett, UCL, 2013

House of Flags, Bartlett Design Research Folios, The Bartlett, UCL, 2013

‘Place: Light First – Night Sky’, The Architect’s Journal, 27 June 2014, pp 56–57

‘Activating a Political Landsape: House of Flags’, P.E.A.R. Paper for Emerging Architectural Research, 2013, pp 68-73

‘Montpelier Community Nursery’, Phaidon Atlas

‘Montpelier Community Nursery / AY Architects’, Arch Daily, 24/11/2013

‘AY Architects: Montpelier Community Nursery’, Domus, 25/06/2013

‘AY Architects: House of Flags’, Domus, 19/11/2012

‘Folio: Vexilology at Parliament Square in London’, Architectural Review, 28/08/2012, p 106

By Yeoryia Manolopoulou


Architectures of Chance, Design Research in Architecture Series, London: Routledge, 2013


Bartlett Design Research Folios


‘Drawing Together’ (with Niall McLaughlin) in Jonathan Hill (ed), Designs on History: The Architect as Physical Historian, Design Studio Vol. 3, London: RIBA, 2021

‘Performing the Architectural Plan’ in Mateus-Berr, R. and Venessa Gruber, L. (Eds), Arts & Dementia: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020

‘Open Score Architecture’ in Butcher, M. and O’Shea, M. (Eds), Expanding the Fields of Architectural Research and Practice, London: UCL Press, 2020

A contribution to Christos Kakalis’ chapter ‘Silence, Music and Architectural Design’ in  Architecture and Silence; London: Routledge, 2019

‘City Boardwalks: The Chance of Stalled Construction Sites’, Conscious Cities: Bridging, Neuroscience, Architecture and Technology, Anthology No 2, 2017

‘Venice Viewpoints: Losing Myself’, Architecture Today, Vol 268, May 2016, p 10

‘Losing Myself: Inside the Irish Pavilion at the 2016 Venice Biennale’, with Niall McLaughlin, ArchDaily, 17/06/2016

‘Student Shows 2015: Royal College of Art’, The Architects’ Journal, 24/07/2015

‘Be Childlike! The Architect’s Ongoing Project of Experimental Pragmatism’,  EAAE-ENHSA Meeting of Heads of European Schools of Architecture 2014, keynote paper, forthcoming

‘Jane’, Architects’ Journal, 23/01/2015, pp 37-59

‘Schools’, The Architects’ Journal, 20/06/2014, p 58

‘Enaction Drawing’, The Role of Material Evidence in Architectural Research, Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, 2011, pp 28–37

‘The Practice of Chance’, OASE 85: Productive Uncertainty,NAi Publishers, 2011, pp 44–56

‘Repetition to Monochrome: Surfaces for Picture Making by Herzog & de Meuron and Ellsworth Kelly’, The Journal of Architecture (Volume 14, Issue 3, 2009), pp 407–420

‘Landscape’, in Laura Allen, Iain Borden, Nadia O’Hare and Neil Spiller (eds), with Laura Allen, Bartlett Designs: Speculating with Architecture, (London: UCL and Wiley, 2009), pp 124–125

Drawing On Chance’, in Laura Allen, Iain Borden, Nadia O’Hare and Neil Spiller (eds), Bartlett Designs: Speculating with Architecture, (London: UCL and Wiley, 2009), pp 59–60

‘The Active Voice of Architecture: An Introduction to the Idea of Chance’, field: (Volume 1, Issue 1, 2007), pp 62–72

‘Drawing on Chance: Drafting Pier 40’, The Unthinkable Doctorate (Brussels: NeTHCA and School of Architecture Sint-Lucas, 2007), pp 265–275

‘Drawing on Chance: Drafting Pier 40’ (The Journal of Architecture, Volume 11, no.3, 2006), pp 303–314

‘Shutters, House F’, in Peg Rawes, Jane Rendell (eds), Spatial Imagination (London: Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, 2006), pp 24­–­25

‘Drawing on Chance: Indeterminacy, Perception, and Design’, in Iain Borden and Katerina Rüedi Ray (eds), The Dissertation: AArchitecture Student’s Handbook Second Edition (London: Architectural Press, 2006), pp 254–277

Drafting Pier 40: The Development of Chance as a Drawing Tool in the Process of Architectural Design’ (Architectural Design Research RMIT, Volume 1, no.1, 2005), pp 19–38

‘Unformed Drawing: Notes, Sketches and Diagrams’ (The Journal of Architecture, Volume 10, no.5, 2005), pp 517–525

‘The Interior of Vision: Beckett’s Film and Viewing Instrument I’ (The Journal of Architecture, Volume 9, no.3, 2004), pp 315–30

‘The Apparatus of Space’ (interview), Fresh (issue 27, 2003), pp 16–19


PhD Research Projects 2011, London: UCL, 2011 (with Jonathan Hill and Willem de Bruijn)

PhD Research Projects 2010, London: UCL, 2010 (with Ana Araujo, Jonathan Hill and Barbara Penner)

PhD Research Projects 2009, London: UCL, 2009 (with Marjan Colletti and Marcos Cruz)

PhD Research Projects 2009, London: UCL, 2009 (with Jonathan Hill)

By Tessera

‘Tessera’, in Laura Allen, Iain Borden, Peter Cook, Rachel Stevenson (eds), Bartlett Works: Architecture, Buildings, Projects (London: UCL, 2004), pp 182–83

‘Moving Pictures’ in Anthony Hoete (ed.), ROAM: Reader on the Aesthetics of Mobility (London: Black Dog Publishing, 2003), pp 44–53

‘Drawing FIX’ in Memos Philippidis (ed.), Big Brother: Architecture and Surveillance (Athens: National Museum of Contemporary Art, 2002), pp 86–93

‘Absence + Trace’, in cj Lim (ed.), Realms of Impossibility: Ground (London: Wiley Academy, 2002), pp 170–75

‘Two Squares’ in Hellenic Institute of Architecture (ed.), Places of Nomadic Dwelling: Third Biennale of Young Greek Architects (Athens: Hellenic Institute of Architecture, 2001), pp 96–97, 184–187, 192–195

‘Syntagma Square’ in Union of Archaeological Sites (ed.), Architectural Competition for the Four Squares of Athens (Athens: Union of Archaeological Sites, 2001), pp 81–82